It was great seeing everyone at ASW, especially our international clients who made the long trip to Las Vegas. Ip suppliers, hygiene providers, ESP’s are just a few of the related vendors that we got a chance to meet face to face.


In some cases, we had the opportunity to demonstrate DATA MCP and show off its powerful capabilities. We thought we’d take a moment to highlight a few of the functions that people liked the most at the convention.


The feature that everyone liked the most, without doubt, was our newly integrate CAKE/HAS OFFERS/HIT PATH affiliate software integration, which displays earnings alongside delivery statistics.


Almost as popular is the campaign rescheduler option. These two favorite features combine to make a powerful time-saving tool allowing the user to reschedule the most highly profitable campaigns at a glance with a single click.


If we missed you this year, we apologize. Let’s make it a point to meet up next year. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.